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$3,000 Limit on First Time Credit Card Orders
$500 Face Value Bag of 90% Silver US Coins
NOTE: High demand is currently making brief delays of 3-5 days possible. Please call 1-800-928-6468 for live updates on availability.
Austin Rare Coins and Bullion is excited to offer 90% Silver Coins $500 Face Value Bags. This is the ultimate in low premium “survival” Silver—a bag of small denomination U.S. Silver coinage dated 1964 and prior. Orders will be fulfilled with bags of dimes and quarters. If you have a preference for dimes, quarters, or even half dollars please give us a call at 1-800-928-6468.Volume Pricing
Check or Wire | Credit Card or PayPal |
$12,400.33 | $12,883.46 |