Ancient Egyptian coins

  1. Ptolemy III of Egypt

    Ptolemy III of Egypt

    Ptolemy III: The Ambitious Pharaoh of Egypt

    Ptolemy III of Egypt, also known as Ptolemy Euergetes, ruled Egypt from 246 to 222 BCE. As the third ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty, he significantly expanded Egypt's territory and strengthened its economy. Ptolemy III’s reign marked a period of prosperity and military success, leaving a lasting legacy in ancient Egyptian history.

    Early Life and Ascension

    Ptolemy III was born into royalty as the son of Ptolemy II Philadelphus and Queen Arsinoe I. Groomed from birth to assume leadership, he was well-versed in statecraft, military strategy, and diplomacy. Ptolemy III took the throne when his father passed away in 246 BCE. H

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  2. What is the largest ancient gold coin?

    What is the largest ancient gold coin?

    Many customers ask us, "What is the largest ancient gold coin?" We tell them, you’ve come to the right place! Only one ancient gold coin struck holds that title. The Gold Octodrachm was by far the largest gold coin ever struck in the ancient world. These heavy weights were a most common denomination of its day. Importantly, other large denominations like the tetradrachm (four drachms), the pentadrachm (five drachms) were also common. However, the Octodrachm (an eight-drachm coin) was the largest.


    Gold Octodrachms were struck over 2,300 years ago. They were produced during the Hellenistic period in Ptolemaic Egypt. No other kingdom or empire in the ancient world comes close to producing such a large gold coin. Above all, Ancient Egypt was known to be a country of r

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