Rare Gold Coins

  1. The Remarkable Gold Bar Faceplate

    The Remarkable Gold Bar Faceplate


    The SS Central America, also known as the "Ship of Gold," sank in 1857. The shipwreck carried massive gold lost during the California Gold Rush. Additionally, large Kellogg & Humbert gold ingots were among the treasures recovered. Obviously, these large gold bars were so big that they would cost over a half-million dollars based on the gold content alone. Therefore, the remarkable gold bar faceplate weighing 17 ounces was cut off to be more affordable. The original gold bar, produced by Kellogg and Humbert, weighed over 239 ounces.

    The SS Central America Shipwreck

    The SS Central America sank in a hurricane off the coast of the Carolinas. The ship was en route from Panama to New

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  2. The Enigmatic $3 Indian Princess Coin

    The Enigmatic $3 Indian Princess Coin

    The enigmatic $3 Indian Princess coin, minted by the United States from 1854 to 1889, is a numismatic gem. Especially because of its rarity and beauty and the fascinating story behind its creation and circulation. Chiefly, the coin itself is a piece of art. At the same time, the tale of its inception embodies a deeper understanding of its significance in American history.

    The Economic Context: A Nation in Flux

    The mid-19th century was a period of significant economic and territorial expansion for the United States. Moreover, the discovery of gold in California in 1848 set off the Gold Rush. Basically, the increase in gold flooded the economy with gold and prompted new considerations for coinage. During this time, the U.S. government

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  3. Panama-Pacific Exposition

    Panama-Pacific Exposition

    Opening of the Panama Canal:

    In 1915, the vibrant city of San Francisco hosted the Panama-Pacific Exposition. Furthermore, it was a grand celebration marking the opening of the Panama Canal. This monumental event drew millions of visitors from across the globe. Basically, everyone was eager to witness the marvels of modern engineering and celebrate the spirit of progress.

    The exposition showcased the latest advancements in technology, industry, and the arts. Moreover, it offered visitors a glimpse into the possibilities of the future. Visitors were treated to a glimpse into the boundless possibilities of the future. Additionally, they marveled at the innovative displays and cutting-edge inventions on offer.

    Transcending mere spectacle, the exposition served as a symbol of unity and international cooperation.

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  4. History of the Lydian Empire

    History of the Lydian Empire


    In the annals of history, the Lydian Empire stands as a beacon of innovation and prosperity. Situated in modern-day Turkey, this ancient civilization played a pivotal role in shaping the course of human civilization. Among their numerous achievements, perhaps their most enduring legacy is the introduction of coinage – a revolutionary concept. Chiefly, transforming economies and societies across the ancient world. In this comprehensive exploration of the Lydian Empire, we delve into the fascinating history of the Lydian Empire. Surprisingly, uncovering its rise to prominence and pioneering role in the creation of gold coins.

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    Introduction: A Guide to Building Your Unique Treasure

    In the world of rare coin collecting, enthusiasts are captivated by history and welcome tips on collecting rare coins. Museums, such as the American Numismatic Association Money Museum, showcase extraordinary collections. The Smithsonian National Numismatic Collection and the British Museum contribute to our appreciation of rare coins, emphasizing their historical significance.

    The allure of rare coins extends beyond museum walls. Auction houses and private collectors frequently make these numismatic treasures available for sale. Rare coin collecting is not just a cultural and historical journey; it's also an opportunity for financial gain. Rare collections, featuring sought-after coins, can

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  6. Rare Coins Aren't Allowed in Your Precious Metals IRA!

    Rare Coins Aren't Allowed in Your Precious Metals IRA!  Trust a Precious Metals IRA Advisor at Austin Rare Coins & Bullion.

    Embarking on the journey of building a secure financial future through Precious Metals IRAs is a prudent choice. However, it's essential to navigate the specific guidelines governing these investment vehicles. While the allure of rare coins is undeniable, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has established stringent criteria for inclusion in Precious Metals IRAs. Consequently, rare coins aren't allowed in your precious metals IRA.

    In this exploration, we uncover the reasons why rare coins aren't allowed in your precious metals IRA. Even though rare coins have historical significance and collectible appeal, they find themselves on the sidelines of tax-advantaged retirement accounts. Understanding the rationale behind the exclusion is important.

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  7. 1860 Pikes Peak Gold Rush

    1860 Pikes Peak Gold Rush

    The 19th-century gold rush in the United States was an exhilarating era of opportunity. Especially, as it attracted individuals from diverse backgrounds to the goldfields in pursuit of their fortunes. During this period, Colorado played a pivotal role in the quest for gold, especially during the 1860 Pikes Peak Gold Rush. Amid this tumultuous time, one company particularly distinguished itself - Clark Gruber & Company. This article delves into the captivating history of Clark Gruber & Company during the 19th-century gold rush. Furthermore, it explores their distinctive coinage and the factors contributing to the relatively brief duration of their coinage enterprise.

    Pikes Peak Gold Rush: A Golden Discovery

    The story of Clark Gruber & Company is inextricably

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  8. Roman Emperor Tiberius's Legacy

    Roman Emperor Tiberius's Legacy

    In history's annals, few figures are as enigmatic and influential as Roman Emperor Tiberius. Roman Emperor Tiberius's Legacy from AD 14 to 37 signified a vital era in the Roman Empire. Additionally, it was characterized by intricate politics, imperial ambitions, and a transformative period for Roman coinage.

    Tiberius's path to the throne faced considerable challenges. He spent his early years as a soldier, gaining valuable military experience across Roman provinces. Unquestionably, his success in quelling revolts and vital roles in the Roman military paved his way to leadership.

    Tiberius: The Man and the Emperor

    In AD 4, Tiberius was recalled to Rome and named co-regent with Augustus. As a result of Augustus's AD 14 demise, Tiberius ascended the imperial throne. Consequently,

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  9. Mexico in 1881

    Mexico in 1881

    Mexico in 1881: A Snapshot of History

    Mexico in 1881 marked a significant point in Mexican history, an era defined by political upheaval, economic transformation, and cultural vibrancy. Let's delve into the historical events and social fabric of Mexico during this remarkable year.

    Mexican Political Landscape in 1881

    In 1881, Mexico was under the long and controversial rule of Porfirio Díaz. Díaz had first come to power in 1876 and would go on to dominate Mexican politics for several decades. His autocratic rule, known as the Porfiriato, was distinguished by modernization. Díaz aimed to attract foreign investment and develop the

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  10. Saint-Gaudens' Artistic Brilliance

    Saint-Gaudens' Artistic Brilliance

    Augustus Saint-Gaudens' artistic brilliance left an indelible mark on American coinage. Born in Dublin in 1848 and raised in New York City, Saint-Gaudens displayed an early aptitude for sculpture. Importantly, his journey led him to Paris, where he honed his craft at the École des Beaux-Arts, a renowned art school. Afterwards, upon his return to the United States, his innovative approach to sculpting gained admiration.

    A Presidential Commission

    The pivotal moment in Saint-Gaudens' career came with a commission from President Theodore Roosevelt in 1905. Tasked with rejuvenating American coin design, Saint-Gaudens brought a fresh perspective to numismatic art. Furthermore, his designs captured the essence of American identity and history, elevating coins from mere currency to intricate works of art.

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